Theresa Tiliakos

Headshot Of Theresa Tiliakos In Front Of A Bookshelf

LecturerAdministrative Coordinator

Williams Hall 847


PhD (in progress), Egyptology, The University of Chicago

MA, Ancient Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Chicago

BA, Anthropology, The University of Pennsylvania

BA, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests

New Kingdom Egypt; Third Intermediate Period Egypt; gender studies; identity; lived experience; history of the book

Courses Taught

Course Taught at the University of Pennsylvania

Fall 2023

Lecturer, NELC 0001, Introduction to the Ancient Near East

Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Courses Taught at the University of Chicago

Winter 2020               

Lecturer, Introduction to Hieratic

Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Course Assistantships at the University of Chicago

Spring 2020               

Ancient Empires III, The Egyptian Empire of the New Kingdom

Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Language Assistantships at the University of Chicago

Winter 2019               

Introduction to Middle Egyptian II

Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Fall 2018                    

Introduction to Middle Egyptian I

Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations


The University of Pennsylvania

The University of Chicago

Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures (formerly The Oriental Institute)

The American Research Center in Egypt (PA Chapter)